Looking for a unique gift idea? Give a Iron Planet Studios gift card and let the recipient choose their favorite art piece. Available in different denominations.
Downtown Dunedin, Florida
I kick off 2025 in one of my favorite nearby towns, Dunedin! It is the site of my very first show ever, when I was just getting started back...
Downtown Dunedin, Florida
Downtown St Pete, Florida
Another one of my most favorite shows, St Pete Fine Art Festival! Held in beautiful Straub Park right smack downtown, I can usually be found...
Downtown St Pete, Florida
Tampa, Florida
This will be my only Tampa show this year. Be sure to look me up and add another robot to your collection before I head north again. My late...
Tampa, Florida
St Pete, Florida
My millionth showing at Mainsail, and one of my best shows of the year! Always filled with friends and collectors I have made over the years...
St Pete, Florida
A time lapse shot of painting "Change The World", an unauthorized portrait of Elon Musk. Available as limited edition paper and metal prints. See all my robot art creation videos by clicking my YouTube link below.
If you've been thinking about securing an ultra-collectable Robot Art NFT by Alann J, drop me a line and get on the waiting list. Don't get left behind, NFTs are the way to go.
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
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I love my customers, but ya gotta' schedule an appointment to see my robot art at one of my studios.
I am always working. Drop me an eMail or call me if you have my business card. I live in the Eastern Time Zone so consider that before calling. I cannot be responsible for discussions taking place after 1 am EST. To visit the studio you MUST first make an appointment.
At Iron Planet Studios, my mission is to make you, and everybody else who see my art smile, smirk, and possibly even laugh out loud. Each painting hides a story beneath the surface that can meaningful, historical, and sometimes unbelievable.
Born in 1959 In Flint Michigan, I found myself the child of a GM factory worker and his wonderful loving wife. By 8 years old I was drawing cars and painting baskets of fruit. This evolved into a lifetime love of art, and of lifetime of making art.
Each painting is carefully planned and researched so that the meaning goes far beyond what appears in the first glance. Topics as far and wide as our ecology, politics, diversity, mental health, entomology, etymology, science, history, fame, and the future of AI and mankind.